26 October 2018
Have you heard the term kitting being thrown around? Well here at ovesco offer a completely customisable kitting process for each of our B2B clients.
What is kitting you ask? Kitting is quite simply a custom order that is a collection of goods that your business will be ordering regularly. Kitting is all about having your products and requirements customised to your needs. The parts are then delivered to you, ready to install in one easy access case!
Clients of ovesco have commented that the easy use of this system has created minimal waste and offered greater cost reduction on jobs. When production workers tend to look for product on an assembly line, there’s always a risk that these products are not available or needed to be sourced elsewhere. By compiling all of these items into one easy access package you can eliminate the time and money needed to collect them one by one.
See our video below to find out how the kitting process works, why we do it and when we do it for our customers: