2 March 2023

How do I choose the right gas strut for my vehicle?
There are thousands of different gas struts available. That is because gas struts for vehicles are used in loads of ways. Most cars have gas struts in the boot, bonnet, hood and/or door. So, what exactly is a gas strut? Simply put, gas struts are the things that stop your boot from hitting your head every time you open it!
Not all cars have gas struts up front but basically, every vehicle has them in the back. They do wear out with age. As soon as you notice your boot, bonnet, hood or door isn’t staying open properly anymore, it’s time to get your gas struts replaced.
In this article, we’ll run you through how to choose the right gas strut for your vehicle; how to disassemble your gas strut; and how to replace them with new struts. If you own a vehicle, then keep on reading!
Ordering the right gas strut for your vehicle
Which gas strut do I need? This can be a difficult question to answer given how many different types there are on the market. Your best bet is to ask somebody who knows gas struts, inside and out. Our resident gas strut expert here at ovesco is Simon Gibb. ‘Gibbo’ helps customers at our Mayfield West store find the right product they need, Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 4pm. He says: “As much as a pain they are, my favourite product would be gas struts. There is a good challenge in working the right one out.”
Gibbo and the team have been working hard to come up with a new way to help customers find the right strut for the job. Introducing...
ovesco’s easy drop-down menu. It makes choosing the correct strut easier than ever.
All you need to know is the make and model of your vehicle - and the location of the strut (e.g. boot or bonnet). Click search. And the correct option will appear on your screen. Click through to our checkout and enjoy speedy delivery. Or pop into our store.
Things to keep in mind before replacing your gas struts
- If your vehicle has two struts, you should always replace both of them. Replacing just one gas strut could cause twisting due to uneven loading. With two new struts, you’ll have exactly the same pressure for an even lift.
- You’ll need someone else on hand to help you. They will need to support the hatch, bonnet, boot or rear window while you replace the struts. It can be dangerous to attempt to do so on your own. Avoid injuries, ask a mate!
- Gas struts must be replaced one at a time. If you are replacing two struts, go at it one at a time.
- The struts should be installed in the same position as the original units.
- Struts must always be mounted with the tube up in the closed position. This is vital to proper lubrication and smooth operation.
- Remember that compressed gas can be dangerous. Never crush or pierce a strut that you’re trying to remove.
Removing your old gas struts
Removing an old gas strut is easy. It’s usually a case of undoing a clip or pin on one end of the strut, unlatching it, and then pulling off the ball joint at the other end. The process can be slightly different depending on the type of gas strut.
You should follow the below steps to remove gas struts that are equipped with an end-fitting dark composite socket with a flat metal clip or an all-metal socket with a wire safety clip.
- Have a small flat-blade screwdriver on hand to release the flat metal clip or wire safety clip.
- Open the hatch, bonnet, hood, window or liftgate to maintain load on the existing strut/s. Have somebody else there to support the weight once you begin disassembly.
If the piston-rod mounting is a composite socket:
- Insert the blade of the screwdriver under the metal clip at about a 45-degree angle and slightly pry to dislodge the clip until you can pull the gas spring away from its attached ball stud. Do not fully remove the clip.
- Repeat this process at the other end.
If the piston-rod mounting is an all-metal socket with a wire safety clip:
- Insert the screwdriver blade beneath the wire clip and unclamp from the neck of the fitting. Rotate and remove the wire clip while pulling it completely out of the fitting.
- Repeat the process at the other end.
Installing your new gas struts
Fitting your new gas struts is relatively simple. It’s only slightly trickier than installing new wiper blades. Follow the below steps.
If the gas strut is fixed with a composite socket:
- Start by fixing the rod end connection (lower connector) of the gas strut by placing the opening of the end fitting on the top of the ball stud. No tool is needed.
- Carefully press the end-fitting connector onto the stud using your hand. Do not use a hammer or vice grips.
- Repeat on the other end.
If the gas strut is fixed with an all-metal fitting and wire safety clip:
- Start by fixing the rod end connection (lower connector) of the gas strut by placing the opening of the end fitting on the top of the ball stud. No tool is needed.
- Carefully press the end-fitting connector onto the stud using your hand. Do not use a hammer or vice grips.
- Fully insert the straight end of the wire clip into the small hole located on the side of the fitting. Next, rotate the curved section and clamp it around the neck of the fitting. This will tightly hold it in place.
- Repeat on the other end.
Download our fact sheet for a quick and visual guide to replacing a gas strut.
Need help choosing the correct gas strut for your vehicle? The ovesco team can help. Call us on 1800 151 268, email [email protected] or visit us at 4 Channel Road, Mayfield West NSW 2304, Monday to Friday, 7.30am to 4pm.